Learn About Geriatric Medicine From Dr. Rob Stall

Robert S. Stall, MD Dr. Rob Stall is passionate about the area of geriatric health care. Dr. Stall is a board certified geriatrician and he maintains a private practice as well as being medical director for a number of health care facilities. He has a popular web site that provides pertinent information on health care for the elderly. He is very interested in empowering older persons and their family caregivers to advocate their own needs to the medical community. Towards this end Dr. stall provides articles, advice, instructions and a self-assessment worksheet for the patient to complete before visiting his or her doctor. In addition to his practice, he has a popular monthly radio program and he speaks frequently to local groups about care for the aged.

Please go to his web site at http://stallgeriatrics.com/

Here is a link to a page of resources explaining the concept of geriatric health care http://stallgeriatrics.com/information/

Here is the link to his self-assessment worksheet http://stallgeriatrics.com/bookstore/

Here are his links to online assessment tools for cognitive impairment, physical impairment, nutritional needs and mental health. http://stallgeriatrics.com/assessmenttools/

Here is a link to his philosophy of geriatric health care http://stallgeriatrics.com/education/keyprinciples.html

Dr. stall also offers consultation services and can be reached at http://stallgeriatrics.com/

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 contact me

Robert S. Stall, MD
350 Greenhaven Terrace,
Tonawanda, NY 14150

Phone #: (716) 213-4345 (FAX OK)

Email: drstall@stallgeriatrics.com
Web: http://geridoc.net

 about the NCPC

The National Care Planning Council is dedicated to helping families recognize the need for long term care planning and to helping implement that planning.

Integrity, honesty, and a genuine concern for those who are in need of (or may need) long term care are at the heart of our services.