Annual Certification of Good Standing
Annual Certification of Good Standing as an Accredited Representative
In order to complete this form, you will need your Accreditation Registration Number. Retrieve your number here,
As a free service, the National Care Planning works to help notify accredited attorneys and agents of their responsibility to submit a yearly certification of good standing. The form to the right may be submitted to the Office of General Counsel (instructions are included) to meet this requirement.
According to 38 C.F.R. § 14.629(b)(4)
as a further condition of initial accreditation and annually thereafter, each person seeking accreditation as an agent or attorney shall submit to VA information about any court, bar, or Federal or State agency to which the agent or attorney is admitted to practice or otherwise authorized to appear. Applicants shall provide identification numbers and membership information for each jurisdiction in which the applicant is admitted and a certification that the agent or attorney is in good standing in every jurisdiction in which admitted. After accreditation, agents and attorneys must notify VA within 30 days of any change in their status in any jurisdiction in which they are admitted to appear.