Tim J. Larson, J.D., P.A.

Tim J. Larson, J.D., P.A."Our goal is to create relationships that are based on an understanding that we care and we listen in order to understand the needs of our clients."

Attorneys Tim J. Larson and Logan M. Brown provide assistance to individuals and families that need to "get their affairs in order." In addition to understanding Medicaid eligibility issues, they have a practice that is devoted to helping people plan for the possibility of incapacity and properly plan for family members who may have special needs.

Tim Larson has over 25 years experience in estate planning and elder law related matters. Tim Larson is an accredited attorney with the Veterans Administration and is authorized by the V.A. to represent clients regarding veteran's benefits.

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Service Area

Proudly serving Wichita, Hutchinson, & surrounding areas

Contact Us

Tim J. Larson, J.D., P.A.
7570 W. 21st St. N.,
Bldg. 1026, Suite. C.
Wichita, KS 67205

Phone #: 316-729-0100
Toll Free #: 800-388-8529

Email: tim@timjlarsonlaw.com
Web: www.timjlarsonlaw.com

About Me

Tim J. Larson, J.D., has maintained a private practice of law in Kansas since his graduation from the Wash burn University School of Law in 1982. His practice is limited to estate planning and estate administration. Tim J. Larson is a member of the Wichita Bar Association Probate Committee, and the Wichita Estate Planning Council. Mr. Larson is also a member of e. Planners Educational Alliance, Inc., a select group of estate planning attorneys from across the country that organize and present various continuing education programs and provide sophisticated estate planning services to clients. His firm is Tim J. Larson, J.D., P.A., located at 7570 W. 21st ST. N. Bldg. 1026, Ste. C., Wichita, KS 67205. Experience: For the past several years Mr. Larson has spoken publicly and has presented continuing education courses to attorneys, accountants, financial planners, and life insurance professionals on topics dealing with Medicaid eligibility, trust administration, pro bate and estate planning techniques.