MetLife Home Loans

Jan JordanA Reverse Mortgage might be right for you if:

- You are having difficulty making monthly mortgage payments (Living month-to-month)

- You want to “age in place”

- Have insufficient income to cover standard housing expenses (repairs, taxes, insurance)

I can help you answer these questions and more. My passion is to educate you and your loved ones for the financial challenges associated with aging. I'm committed to helping you find the right mortgage product for your needs. I understand that every borrower is different and I offer a variety of products to meet your individual requirements. I make the process of securing a reverse mortgage simple and straight forward by communicating one-on-one which enables you to make sound financial choices.

You have worked your whole life to payoff/pay down your home and I respect the importance of this decision for you. That is why I will never pressure you and will spend time to build a lasting relationship. Given my years of experience in the field I understand the need to listen to my borrowers. Please call me today if you are 62 yrs or older and own a home. I will provide you a FREE analysis of all your options. Jan Jordan – Toll Free 1 (866) 844 8262 or (303) 993 7658

Reverse Mortgage Opportunities

When Nancy Morrison purchased her home in Denver, Co in the early 2000’s she always anticipated selling to move to a retirement community when she retired. Unfortunately, the recession erased that option. “Now I'm considering refinancing using a reverse mortgage,” said Morrison. My monthly payment will be eliminated and I could redo my kitchen to improve my home’s value. But since she’d like to revisit selling in a few years (presumably, when the economy has improved), Morrison wasn't sure the math would work in her favor.

Morrison isn't the only one crunching the numbers these days. “Reverse Mortgage loans are on the rise” says Jan Jordan. No doubt driven by senior homeowners needing to tap into their homes equity. “There is opportunity to get a reverse mortgage because there is no credit score or income requirement with the loan” says Jordan A reverse mortgage allows you to access equity in your home with no monthly payment. The lender will never own your home and you will always retain the title.

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Contact Us

Jan Jordan
MetLife Home Loans

Phone: (303) 993-7658

155 E Boardwalk Dr Ste 300
Fort Collins, Co 80525


About Jan

With years of experience in the mortgage industry Jan is a leading expert in financial solutions for seniors. She collaborates with a variety of industry professionals to include realtors, mortgage brokers, bankruptcy/elder law attorneys, financial planners and senior service professionals. Working with integrity her aim is to correctly structure financial scenarios to address the senior’s needs. She has written over 7 articles for local and senior newspapers with emphasis on tapping into home equity. Hosted numerous consumer educational workshops and is approved by the Colorado and Wyoming Real Estate Association to offer continuing education classes on seniors aging in place.

She is a member of Northern Colorado Sr Alliance, Coalition on Aging and Denver Council For Seniors. When Jan is not spending time with her family she likes to travel, scuba dive and camp.