Farr Law Firm

Evan H. FarrThe Farr Law Firm is an Elder Law and Estate Planning firm dedicated to helping protect seniors and their families by preserving dignity, integrity and family unity to the greatest extent possible. In addition to traditional estate planning (Wills, Living Trusts, Financial and Medical Powers of Attorney, etc.) for clients of all ages, we help our elderly clients with issues involving long-term care.

We help clients find, get, and pay for the best possible long-term care; if a nursing home is the only option, we help clients find and get the best possible care while preserving and protecting their assets, including their homes, from the forced liquidation that is typically required in connection with entry into a nursing home. When needed, we complete the complex documents required for entry into a nursing home and for Medicaid.

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Service Area

Proudly serving DC Metro and all of Virginia.

Contact Us

Evan H. Farr
Farr Law Firm

Toll Free: (800) 399-FARR
Toll Free Fax: (877) 499-3977

10640 Main Street
Suite 200
Fairfax, VA 22030
Phone: (703) 691-1888

501 Westwood Office Park
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
Phone: (540) 479-1435

1425 K St. NW
Suite 350
Washington, DC 20005
Phone: (202) 587-2797

Email: evanfarr@farrlawfirm.com
Web: www.farrlawfirm.com