Garner Law Firm, P.C.

Guy Garner, J.D.I specialize in helping Veterans and their Widow(er)s obtain Aid and Attendance Pension Benefits. I conduct seminars on this subject for Assisted Living Facilities, Civic Clubs, Churches and other service and non-profit organizations.

The Aid and Attendance Pension is a seriously under-utilized and misunderstood benefit. Due to my knowledge of the VA rules and regulations, Tax law and Trust law, I have been able to help qualify a number of people for Aid & attendance Pension Benefits that have been told by the VA that they have too much income or assets to qualify.

I am currently a board member of the North Texas Alzheimer's Association and counsel and assist families dealing with the legal, emotional, and financial issues that challenge families and their loved ones dealing with Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia.

I provide the following services:

  • Assistance to Veterans and their widows with planning and qualifying for Aid & Attendance Pension Benefits
  • Alzheimer's and Dementia Planning and Counseling
  • Wills
  • Trusts
  • Probate
  • Probate Avoidance Planning
  • Income and Estate Tax Planning
  • Trust Administration
  • Special Needs Trusts and Planning

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Service Area

Proudly serving Tarrant County and the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex Area

Contact Us

Guy Garner, J.D.
Garner Law Firm, P.C.

Phone: (817) 261-5222

1101 W. Randol Mill Rd.
Arlington, TX 76012



Academy of VA Pension Planners

About Guy

I am an Arlington native,and have practiced law in Arlington since 1977. My wife Nancy and I work together serving seniors and their family members by providing legal services in a caring and nurturing environment.

We both have been caregivers for our own parents, and have had loved ones slowly die from dementia. All of our own personal experiences as caregivers have made us uniquely qualified to serve and care for our clients.