The Sterling Insurance & Financial Group

Ms. Patty C ContrerasAt The Sterling Insurance & Financial Group, our mission is to help you crystallize your vision and develop a wealth management plan to help you pursue your dreams and goals. Through the Collaborative Wealth Management process, we bring a unique combination of financial expertise, planning experience and the ability to listen --really listen -- and focus on your dreams.

When you become a client, we'll give you our all. Whether you need help managing your money for the greatest good now or would like our assistance unearthing your vision of the legacy you want to create - we'll stand by you, providing the insights and expertise you need to strive for your heart's core desires.

We are committed to helping you pursue wealth, wisdom and well-being.

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Service Area

Proudly serving Clallam, King, and Jefferson Counties, Washington.

Also serving CA, AZ, AR, MI, NV, and TN.

Contact Us

Ms. Patty C Contreras
The Sterling Insurance & Financial Group

Phone: (360) 797-4004

10 S. Jensen Rd.
Port Angeles, WA 98362
