RGV Medicaid Planning

RGV Medicaid Planning is dedicated to helping seniors who require long term care to protect their assets. We can also assist in getting Veterans qualified for an aid & assistance benefit of up to $2,642 a month. If legal documents are needed we have a network of Estate & Elder Law Attorneys.

For A Free One Hour Consultation Contact Us At:

Charles D Wood has been helping seniors protect their assets and assisting them in qualifying for Medicaid for Long Term Care for over 35 years. As a Certified Medicaid Planner and a Accredited Medicaid Planner Mr. Wood is educated and up to date on the latest Medicaid Planning Techniques.

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Service Area

Proudly serving the Rio Grande Valley including Brownsville, Edinburg, Harlingen, McAllen, Mission, Raymondville, Rio Grande City, San Benito, San Juan & Weslaco.

Contact Us

Charles D Wood
RGV Medicaid Planning

Phone: (956) 793-3972

(Chase Tower) 200 S 10 th St 1209
McAllen, TX 78501

Email: cdwood@usa.net
Web: rgvseniorsolutions.com