Assisted Living Technologies, Inc.

John-Paul MayhewAssisted Living Technologies, Inc was established in 2010 and provides technologically advanced products which help seniors and individuals with special needs live at home safely.

Assisted Living Technologies Inc. has recognized that there are more elderly and special needs individuals living in their homes or community-based settings and an increased need for services and technologies to keep them there safely. Assisted Living Technologies Inc. is the first company of it's type in Connecticut - a company that has a sole purpose and product line that utilizes high tech products to promote aging in place.

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Proudly serving all of Connecticut.

Contact Us

Assisted Living Technologies, Inc.

John-Paul Mayhew

Phone: (203) 235-8324

290 Highland Avenue,
Cheshire, CT 06410


About Us

Assisted Living Technologies is a sister company to Assisted Living Services, Inc. Assisted Living Services, Inc. is a statewide provider of home-care services based in Meriden, Connecticut with branch locations in Clinton and Glastonbury, with expansion for other offices planned.

Established in 1996, the company has over 350 employees.