Hilliard & Herman Associates LLC

Hilliard & Herman Associates LLCWe specialize in a market that is "unsung" to most Financial Advisors, which is Funeral Planning. We specialize in a product that is "unsung" to most people, being the most practical and prudent way to bury someone.

We specialize in a market that yields the third largest purchase for most people, which is Funeral Planning.

Our Process is a 2-part phase – we address Funeral and Legacy planning cooperatively and do not co-mingle the two.

The Irrevocable Funeral Trust is a key component in Medicaid Planning which covers six out ten nursing home residents.

Flexibility is an essential part of service – qualifying someone for Medicaid is "time sensitive" so if a client would like to meet in Miami tomorrow or Sunday afternoon, we are there.

Even though we are headquartered in Florida, which is the senior capital of the country, the other states where our firm conducts business constitute 25% of all Nursing Home Facilities in the US, so even though we are a small firm "we cast a very large net."

As the population continues to get older, more Nursing Home Facilities will be needed which will incur more need for services.

Benefits of Funeral Trusts

There are several benefits to purchasing an Irrevocable Funeral Expense Trust, some of which have already been discussed above. They turn countable assets into noncountable assets for Medicaid eligibility purposes. Not only can an Irrevocable Funeral Trust be purchased for the Medicaid applicant, but also for their spouse, to further "spend down" countable assets. Some states also allow one to purchase an IFT for other immediate family members, such as one's adult children.

Funeral trusts do not violate Medicaid's Look-Back Period. Therefore, there is no penalty for creating this type of funeral trust. They do not restrict which funeral home can be utilized upon the death of the trust beneficiary. Any funeral home, located anywhere in the United States is an option. Relatives can make funeral arrangements as they see fit, as in most cases, arrangements are not pre-specified. Relatives of the deceased do not have to pay for burial and funeral costs.


  • Funeral Homes
  • Nursing Homes
  • Assistant Living Centers
  • Caregivers
  • Guardians Powers of Attorney

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Service Area

Proudly serving all of Florida.

Contact Us

Hilliard H Wiggins CFF, RFC, WMS

(904) 537-0837

4530-15 St Johns Ave Ste 215
Jacksonville, FL 32210

Email: hilliard@hhassociatesllc.com

Web: hhassociates-llc.com
Web: northfloridacouncil.com
Web: payingforseniorcare.com/florida
Web: payingforseniorcare.com/assisted-living