California Seniors Care (CSC)

California Seniors Care (CSC)Home Is Where the Heart Is

After servicing 24 years in Police/Fire/EMS services, I am proud to give back in this capacity.

Assisting seniors is fulfilling and rewarding and being there for the end-of-life stage is met with the highest honor.

Client Testimonial

I can't say enough about California Seniors Care...they have been absolutely amazing with our mom! After trying two other in-home care companies as well as 2 unsuccessful "extended stays" at a senior living facility we finally brought our mom back home and found California Seniors Care (CSC). They were the first company who could accommodate our schedule, sending caregivers who matched the needs of our mom and keeping a log or who came each morning, the duties performed while there, as well as her vitals, etc. They do light housekeeping, laundry, meal prep and kept our mom company with the challenges of her dementia which caused confusion as to who they were and why they were there every morning. They are so willing to help and work with any obstacles, so much so that we referred 2 other friends with elderly parents to CSC knowing they would be in the best hands! And both friends have told us how wonderful their relationship is with this company! If you are looking for in-home care for an elderly parent or relative I would highly encourage you to call the office of California Seniors Care. Highest recommendation! Paul and Laurie.

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Service Area

All of Santa Clara County.

Contact Us

Natalie Nelson

(408) 429-8665

42 W Campbell Ave Ste 101
Campbell, CA 95008
