Lisa Adamek MSN, GNP

Lisa Adamek MSN, GNPWelcome to my wellness education and caring space.

My name is Lisa Adamek. I am popularly known as the 'expert geriatric nurse practitioner & educator' and that is because wherever and whenever you meet me, I am usually coaching, teaching and or educating a patient, a family caregiver or a health care professional.

I work with professional families who are involved in caregiving and senior care communities who care for complex, chronically ill adults. I peel away the stress from family caregiving by providing compassionate guidance, patient education, care navigation, complex care management and access to resources and options for safe, graceful aging and wellbeing.

For the senior care communities, I offer caregiving staff education and skill set development that promotes safe care, employee engagement, retention and resident care satisfaction.

When I was a child, many people referred to me as an old soul. Out of all the characteristics of us 'old souls' the one that has the stronger pull on me is that of being 'connected to people'.

Sometimes, I think that is the reason that I went to graduate school and specialized in working with older adults. I have served my community as a graduate level geriatric nurse practitioner for over twenty years. In the process, I have identified three problems faced by older adults and those who care for them.

  1. The struggle for older adults to remain independent at the place they call 'HOME' without intervention from others even when there is a need for care.
  2. The fragmented health care system that makes it challenging for families to navigate the continuum of care while their aging loved ones maintain good health and receive adequate care.
  3. Low continuity and quality of care when the caregiving staff is unskilled, unmotivated and not engaged in providing quality care.

These three problems create significant gaps between geriatric wellness, safe care, vitality & independence especially for older adults whose loved ones are far away. I have combined my knowledge of nursing, my education in geriatric health, my love for people and my passion for education into a service for those communities who care of older adults and families who want to avoid the role reversal, enjoy work life harmony while their aging loved ones thrive wherever they choose to call home on their own terms regardless of any life limiting conditions .

What our council offers our community:

  • Education and Resources for care giving families seeking advice on the appropriate type of care.
  • Offering professional families guidance regarding care for their aging loved ones.
  • Tools and resources to help long distance family caregivers who need help to navigate elder care and the retirement living industry.
  • Education on how to help adults remain active, well and thriving wherever they choose to call home.
  • Offering education regarding the use of the POLST form as a tool for assistive living and retirement communities as they provide care.
  • Offering information resources and access for attorneys, guardians and specialists in aging to promote community awareness.

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Service Area

Western Slope Placer County - Auburn, Granite Bay, Loomis, Roseville, Rocklin. El Dorado County and Sacramento County.

Contact Us

Lisa Adamek MSN, GNP
Geriatric Nurse Practitioner
Geriatric Wellness Educator
Area Director - Placer County Elder Care Council

(916) 570-7535

Loomis, California

What to expect:

If the time has come for you to decide where and how your loved one will receive dignified and life enhancing care, or to build skill and gain awareness of what to anticipate in geriatric wellness, we are here to be of assistance to you. Our phone is answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year long. If you reach our voice mail, your call will be returned within two business hours. Once we connect, you tell me your situation and we will explore possibilities and create a service plan and a care guide that will take your stress away. Most of our services to our community are no charge, except for select services that are offered on a flexible structure on demand by the hour or by contract.

My heart remains committed to assisting families and providing resources to equip those with a toolbox to handle aging parents and have a better understanding of navigating these challenges.