Dot Boyd - Senior Safety Specialist

Do you know someone or have a loved one who is living alone and

  • can slip in the shower or fall in the garage?
  • suffer a stroke or heart attack?
  • have a car accident?
  • falls victim to a mugging, a home break-in, a dog attack?
  • often forgets to take medications at the right time?

If you are worried about them or if you are in a similar situation, I have a 24/7, affordable solution!

Meet Dot Boyd

Dot BoydI have personal experience as a family caregiver, thrust in to action to help my parents fulfill their desire to age at home. As their advocate, I became a trusted resource for extended family and friends who were going through the same experience with their aging loved ones. I bring that empathy and first-hand understanding of the challenges facing seniors, families and caregivers, to my role as a Senior Safety Specialist for Electronic Caregiver. My passion is helping seniors preserve their independence and dignity, by using the latest technology developed specifically for their needs and for those who have the privilege of caring for them.

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Service Area

Sacramento and surrounding areas in Northern California.

Contact Us

Dot Boyd
Senior Safety Specialist

(916) 799-1660

Fair Oaks, California
