Smart Home Lending

I am Mark Elston with Smart Home Lending. I am a 30 year veteran of home lending and a retired high school football coach. I understand how each person has their particular unique home situation, just as every one of my players had their specific skill sets. Each player had their own talent level, the same as your home loan must be tailored to your specific desires.

I specialize on the Reverse Mortgage field by educating people on the advantages of a Reverse Mortgage whether it be paying off an existing mortgage, buying a new home with a reverse mortgage, or using a reverse mortgage to fund goals and dreams. There is an open playbook on what you can accomplish with the right Reverse Mortgage.

Let me help you call the right play to better your current situation and to game plan a fantastic strategy for your entire season. I look forward to helping you achieve the victory you have worked for.

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Service Area

Proudly serving all of Kansas and Missouri.

Contact Us

Smart Home Lending
Mark Elston

NMLS #329795

(913) 908-8754

Overland Park, Kansas
