Care Point Health Care

Whether it is illness, injury, dementia, or just challenges that come with aging, Care Point Health Care can help you or your loved one. Our in-home caregivers take on the tasks that can seem overwhelming, such as cooking, laundry, cleaning and running errands. But we do more than that. We understand that what you want most for your loved one is help, hope, comfort, companionship and compassion. You want someone who genuinely cares. And that’s what we do. Because caring is our calling. Contact us to learn how our family of in-home caregivers can help your family through personal, companion, senior and respite care services.

Our Values

  • Compassion: We approach every client with empathy, understanding, and kindness.
  • Respect: We treat every client with dignity, respect, and consideration.
  • Excellence: We strive for excellence in all aspects of our work, from our caregivers to our services.
  • Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty, ethics, and accountability in everything we do.
  • Collaboration: We work collaboratively with clients, families, and healthcare professionals to provide the best possible care.

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Service Area

Columbus, Ohio and surrounding counties.

Contact Us

Claudia Schneider
Care Point Health Care

(614) 233-1812

3296 Westerville Rd Rm 10 #168
Columbus, OH 43224


About Us

Our mission at Care Point Health Care is to enhance the quality of life for elderly seniors by providing exceptional in-home health care services that promote independence, dignity, and well-being.

Care Point Health Care was founded with a passion for providing high-quality home health care services to seniors and individuals with disabilities.