QMC Quality Medicaid Care

Mark EasleyQMC specializes in Medicaid planning, Medicaid application processing and placement to appropriate excellent long-term care providers. QMC's professionals have assisted thousands of families and have worked in the long-term care planning field for over 30 years.

QMC is based in St. Louis, Missouri and has an extensive practice in Missouri as well as throughout the Midwest. Additionally, QMC regularly assists families nationwide, and files Medicaid applications on behalf of clients nationwide.

QMC's professionals emphasize compassion and understanding for our clients while they go through the sometimes difficult process of placing a loved one in long-term care.

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Service Area

Proudly serving all of Missouri.

Contact Us

Mark Easley
QMC Quality Medicaid Care

(314) 918-0084

8780 Big Bend Blvd, Ste G
Webster Groves, MO 63119 (map)

Web: qualitymedicaidcare.com

About Us

Mark graduated with a Juris Doctorate from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas in 1990 and also earned a B.S. from John Brown University and an M.B.A. from the University of Tulsa. As a practicing attorney with the Elder & Estate Planning Law Firm, Mark's dedication to the fields of elder law, Medicaid planning and estate planning, has given him the unique experience necessary to properly understand the needs of those who require the assistance of Medicaid for long-term care. As the head of QMC, Mark's service focuses on placement, Medicaid application processing, and asset protection.