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Will ship by January 31, 2025
$75.00 | $89.00 | 430 pages & Claims Support Folder | Table of Contents
We are excited to announce you can now pre-order the all-new 2025 edition of our essential guide.
This "Complete Application Handbook" represents a decade of our practical experience with Veterans Law and claims procedures. It contains a wealth of knowledge and can help a claimant submit a Fully Developed Claim for a variety of benefits VA offers. Since we first began printing these books in 2014, we have made yearly revisions to ensure veterans of any age, their families, and those who assist them have the best available information and guidance. Thank you for your continued support!
Reviews from Past Editions
"Materials are clear and extremely informative. Invaluable resources." - Linda
"The most comprehensive, organized, and practical material I have experienced regarding VA benefits." - Candace
"Very informative - touching on the broad range of VA services and putting A&A in its proper perspective. Other programs gloss over SC claims." - Timothy
This Ultimate Guide Includes:
- Fully Developed Claims - Learn how to submit "Fully Developed Claims" for faster decisions and favorable awards.
- Claim Support Folder - Use our online "Claim Support Folder" to access 2025 Benefit Rates, VA forms, checklists, instructions, and thousands of pages of reference material.
- Disability Compensation - Detailed instructions for submitting successful disability claims. Including PTSD, hearing loss, Individual unemployability (TDIU), Special Monthly Compensation (SMC), and an in-depth explanation of the PACT Act of 2022. Eligibility has expanded for veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange and other toxic substances.
- Veterans Pension - Detailed instructions for submitting successful Veterans Pension and Special Monthly Pension (Aid and Attendance) claims. Learn about regulations governing Pension including net-worth, 36-month lookback, penalty periods, and more.
- Survivors Benefits - Learn about how to submit claims for survivors including Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC), Survivors Pension, Burial Benefits, Accrued Benefits, CHAMPVA, and more.
- Aid and Attendance & Housebound Allowances - Learn about applying for little-known allowances.
- Decision Reviews and Appeals - Learn about the "Modernized Review System" and how to challenge unfavorable decisions or appeal to the Board of Veterans Appeals.
- Case Studies - Follow practical use case studies and examples for Compensation, DIC, Pension, Survivors Pension, Appeals, and more.
- Monetary Assistance for Care - Learn how to apply for monetary or free assistance to help pay for home care, care provided by family members, independent living, assisted living, and nursing home care.
- Veterans Health Care - Learn about the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and how to enroll. Also learn about other long term care services including state veterans homes and the Family Care Provider Program.
- Grants - Learn detailed information on applying for home improvement grants, the automobile adaptation allowance, and more.
- VA Debt - Understand VA Debt, repayment, relief options, and how to request a waiver.
- Veterans Benefits Management System (VBMS) - Learn how to check on claims you represent in VBMS.
- This handbook also covers Vocational Rehab, Homeless Support, Loan Guaranty, and Education Benefits.
This book also provides information on:
- No-cost VA health care and nursing home services for all WWII Veterans,
- New rules and procedures for submitting new and relevant evidence, supplemental claims, higher-level reviews, and appeals for adverse decisions,
- New presumptive diseases, service locations, and service dates for Agent Orange exposure,
- Rules pertaining to when fees can be legally be charged,
- Filing DIC Claims with insufficient death certificates,
- Obtaining survivor income benefits when the deceased veteran was not on claim,
- Advantages for obtaining private nexus opinions for Compensation Claims,
- How assets can be reduced to meet VA's bright line net worth limit when filing for VA Pension,
- Enrolling in the New Caregiver Support Program,
- State Veterans Nursing Homes, and
- Handling incompetency proposals and appointing fiduciaries, and more...
Claim Support Folder (online)

Continually updated by our staff - Application Forms (Pension, Compensation, Health Care, Burial, and more...), Decision Review Forms, Supplemental / Supportive Forms, Checklists (instructions for each type of claim), Intake Center Mailing/Faxing Information, 2025 Benefit Rates, Case Studies, Disability Benefit Questionnaires, and Reference material to include Title 38 CFR and the M21-1, Adjudication Procedures Manual. Link is available after purchase.
Message from the Publisher
"There are scores of books available on veterans benefits. We have perused a number of them through purchase and many others through published tables of content and published excerpts and we believe that none of them contain the level of instructions on the complicated claim processes that we provide in this publication. Many of these other books describe how to qualify for the benefits and what the benefits are and then obliquely reference a few forms that can be obtained online. Others do go into more detail on what encompasses a successful claim but they do not provide step-by-step instructions. It is our opinion that none of these books would adequately assist you in filing a successful claim. We believe our book is totally unique in providing you the nuts and bolts, step-by-step instructions and strategies to file successful claims for the four disability income benefits offered by the Department of Veterans Affairs."