Our 2025 VA Accreditation training course pertaining to VA's Accreditation Exam, for individuals and non-practicing attorneys, includes the following:
- "Study Instructions for the Claims Agent Exam" (7 pages),
- "Training Manual for the Accredited Agents Exam" (381 pages, see content),
- Current "Selections from Title 38 CFR Pertaining to the Accredited Agents Exam" on flash drive,
- 600 Practice Questions (6 Exam Sets, view samples) with answers and CFR references - available online and in a spiral bound book, and
- Limited Phone Support to answer general questions regarding application, testing, and study.
We recommend purchasing AFTER you are approved to take the exam. The Office of General Counsel is processing applications (VA Form 21a) slowly. We do not guarantee you will pass the accreditation exam based solely on using our materials.
The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes three types of individuals who have received certification (accreditation authority) from the Department of Veterans Affairs to assist with applications for veterans benefits.
- Accredited agents,
- Accredited attorneys, and
- Accredited service officers from veterans service organizations
Anyone other than an attorney or a service officer with a VA recognized service organization must apply for accreditation authority as an "accredited agent."
The process is free. The applicant does an online search for "VA form 21a." The form is completed and sent in to the Office of General Counsel (OGC) in Washington DC. Application requires listing 3 references who are not members of the family. VA will send a letter to each of these references to produce a written assessment regarding the applicant's character. All three of these character assessments must be in the file before VA will approve accreditation. VA will also review your background, employment, and accreditation intentions.
Below is a portion of OGC's response they send to those who are approved to sit for the accreditation exam. We have found the exam relies primarily on certain sections in parts of Title 38, Code Of Federal Regulations listed in the letter. We have not found very many questions – if any – taken from Title 38, United States Code. The regulations of Title 38 CFR are all derived from Title 38 USC. It’s the same thing but with more detail in the federal regulations as opposed to the US code.
Copy of Content of Welcome Letter from VA General Counsel
We have received your application for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) accreditation as a claims agent. We are writing to the individuals you have given as character references. In addition, the examination is being sent to the VA Regional Counsel’s office in –
The topics which may be covered on the examination include compensation and pension programs, claim procedures, appeals, agents’ fees, and waiver of indebtedness. We recommend studying title 38, United States Code, chapters 1, 11, 13, 15, 51, 53, 59, 71, and 72, and title 38, Code of Federal Regulations, parts 1, 3, 4, 14, 19, and 20. The questions on the claims agent examination are primarily based on information which can be found in these statutes and regulations. The examination is a closed-book online examination consisting of 40 multiple-choice questions. You will have 60 minutes to take the examination and must answer 75 percent of those questions correctly to achieve a passing score.
After completion, your examination will be submitted for scoring. If you do not pass the examination, you will be notified that you did not achieve a passing score. If you pass the examination, you will be notified that we are proceeding with our final review of your application. Good Luck!
ADDITIONAL VERBIAGE PRIOR TO 2021 - Please call the Regional Counsel’s office in – to make an appointment to take the examination. After completion, the examination will be sent to this office for grading. You will be notified promptly by this office if your do not pass the examination. If you pass, we will advise you as to your accreditation as soon as we have received responses from the persons you listed in your application as character references. (Sample welcome letter from VA General Counsel after filing VA Form 21a.)
We recommend purchasing our materials after you have been approved to take the exam. This will ensure your having the most up-to-date information.
We have simplified the study process considerably by providing in plain, understandable English, information an applicant would need to know to answer questions on the VA accreditation test. We also supply 6 sample exams of 100 questions each -- 600 questions in all -- with and without answers, to help the applicant prepare for the accreditation test. Our success rate on passing the accreditation exam is about 95%. Those who have not passed the first time have a second chance within six months of application and all who have taken it a second time have passed it. On average, the required study time is about 40 hours of effort.
Please know we do not guarantee you will pass the accreditation exam based on using our materials.
Within about three or four weeks after passing the test, the Office of General Counsel will send a letter to the applicant that she or he is now an accredited claims agent with VA. They will also post the newly acccredited individual's information on their website.
Care must be taken with this new authority. VA does expect accredited agents to help veterans with claims for benefits and when called upon to provide resources or referrals for appeals. An accredited claims agent is prohibited from using the accreditation as a means of promoting his or her business. General Counsel frowns on individuals becoming accredited solely to sell insurance or financial products. VA will not provide accreditation if this is the purpose.
Within 12 months of receiving the accreditation letter, the accredited agent must complete 3 hours of continuing education relating to veterans law. In addition, within the first 3 years of being accredited, another 3 hours of continuing education is required. After that, 3 hours of continuing education is required every 2 years. We also provide oustanding continuing education courses to help you meet your continuing education requirements. Unlike other courses, our training will actually teach you hands-on how to do just about any type of claim for disability benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs.