About the National Care Planning Council
The National Care Planning Council and its affiliated members are dedicated to helping the American public recognize the need for long term care planning and to helping implement that planning. We support professionals in their respective communities in their efforts to provide care planning by:
(1) our website -- LongTermCareLink.net -- which provides internet listings and requests for care providers and advisers.
(2) providing a tremendous amount of free written material on our web sites to help the public understand and plan for long term care / eldercare.
(3) our publications, which are available to the public and to our members, which provide instructions on how to do care planning. (As an example, members use our popular book "The 4 Steps of Long Term Care Planning" to promote their services and to help their clients complete a formal plan.)
(4) providing marketing materials to our members to help in the care planning process
(5) providing training and support to our members to help them organize a care planning business.
(6) creating and forming state care planning councils. These councils are alliances of local care providers and advisers who come together under one roof to offer their services to the public. (For an example of a state care planning council go to careforcalifornia.net)
(7) producing public requests for members of the state care planning councils.
(8) creating websites and providing website support for our members who desire to put together a care planning practice. (As an example, see the veterans consultant website the National Care Planning Council created for Chris Merrill at www.veteransutah.com.)
Integrity and honesty are at the heart of our business. We expect council members to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for their respective professions and in their personal lives. As the National Care Planning Council becomes more well-known, members will receive community recognition for being affiliated with us. It is our intent to create an organization whose members deliver reliable and honest services to seniors and their families. As prestige of membership grows so will our standards. We want the community to expect that our members are the best in their field.
Become a Member:

Starting at $8.00 a month (including a one time $45.00 set up fee). There are no contracts / enrollment periods.
Our Statement of Purpose:
We Promote and Support Planning for Long Term Care
(1) To promote a public awareness of the need for long term care planning
(2) To provide materials to educate the public on how to plan for long term care
(3) To provide support to member eldercare experts who help the public plan for long term care
(4) To promote the services and expertise of our members
State Care Planning Councils:
List on your State's Web Site as well as the NCPC
Adding a listing to your state's website will bring your advertising close to home and double your presence on the internet. Learn more...